May 28, 2008

Alon Paner -Base Guitar

Some of you may know that this blog is originally written and published in Hebrew. Our friend Nachshon took upon himself the task of translating it into English. We have just realized that one old post – from before Passover - was not uploaded. So here is the story of the bass guitar – the second layer that was recorded after the percussion.

As Zechariah phrase it, the base is like a compassionate father who hugs all the Niggunim and supports them. Many people can’ t hear these low sounds but the base guitar is the roots.

We use a base in all nigunim except our two Pillars of Smoke (BeAmud Anan…).

After hiring Alon Panner to play we found out that he is considered one of the best in the country. One person put it in these words: "your guest musicians are too good for you"! Needless to say that after openly expressing this opinion he himself was NOT asked to come aboard…

To give you a taste of the base here is the niggun “Arbayim Ahana” . You will hear only the base with no vocals or percussions.

Few things we learn about Alon:

His family had been secular for a long time, probably since the Era of the Enlightment.

He had never been to a Kabbalat Shabbat and never heard of Lecha Dodi.

He is familiar with Shalom aleichm but not from home.

He is getting married this summer with a chupa and the whole ceremony.

He willingly joined us for our prayer circle with which we open every session.

The most amazing story Alon shared with us is that after seven years of working as a professional musician in weddings, recordings and bands he decided to choose an easier career path, one that will allow him to spend more time at home.

And what is this easy path he chose?


Alon went straight form 4 hours of to an exam at Haddasah Medical School. If he can sustain the calmness and concentration we experienced with him in the studio we predict he will make a fabulous doctor.

In this clip Alon plays the bass and Yoel provide the sounds that what will, in the future be played by the oud (or in the case of this blog, in the past... see the last post abput the oud).

And here you can hear the base on Yoel’s Lecha Dodi

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